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Do you Geotag? Yes? Then you need to read this!

***Originally posted to @publiclandshateyou on 5/8/2019*** What’s my problem with geotagging? Oh boy. Let's use an example of an...

Why Approaching/Feeding Wildlife is Not Ok

***Originally posted to @publiclandshateyou on 5/5/2019*** It’s springtime in the northern hemisphere, and in many areas that means all...

Thoughts on Havasupai

*** Originally posted to @publiclandshateyou on 4/29/2019*** Havasupai & Mooney Falls. We’ve all seen the pictures. It feels like any...

It's Earth Day! And it's the little things that matter!

***Originally posted 4/22/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** Today marks the 49th anniversary of the first Earth Day. Originally organized by...

It's National Parks Week! Go Visit Your Favorite NPS Site!

***Originally posted 4/19/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** Despite what many people seem to think, I do enjoy seeing people use our public...

What's Wrong With Drones?

***Originally posted 4/18/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** Apparently many people have very strong feelings about #drones. So what do I think...

It's Mud Season! What you need to know!

***Originally posted 4/15/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** As the snow melts, the weather warms up, and the spring rains arrive, let’s talk...

Commercial Photography on Public Lands

***Originally posted on 4/12/19 on @publiclandshatesyou*** ***Post deleted by Instagram on 4/13/19 with no explanation*** Let’s talk...

I Have A Confession to Make

***Originally posted on 4/11/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** I have a confession to make. I am not perfect. I make mistakes. It doesn’t feel...

The Impact of Reposting Without Context

***Originally posted 4/8/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** This picture, originally posted by @everchanginghorizon, has been shared all over...

Website Is Live - And Companies Reprimand Influencers

***Originally posted 4/7/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** As many of you are aware, a few influencers who have been called out on this page...

Vapid Behavior Moves East to the Cherry Blossoms

***Originally posted 4/5/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** This post is for our east coast friends who might be feeling left out. Don’t worry!...

Instagram Deletes Influencer Post

***Originally posted 4/5/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** As some of you may have noticed, my last post about influencers and sponsored posts...

Public Lands Hate You Does Not Discriminate

***Originally posted 4/1/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** This image by @sammanthaa_raee says it all. I don’t care about your sex, gender,...

Your Mom Lied. You're Not That Special

***Originally posted 3/27/19 on @publiclandshateyou*** What would happen if we all choose to ignore the rules? What if we only stopped at...

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